276 lines
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276 lines
12 KiB
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using ITC81DB_ImageDll;
using ITC81DB.DialogForms;
using ITC81DB.Forms;
namespace ITC81DB.Controls
public partial class ControlConfiOptionBoard2 : UserControl
#region Field
private FormMenu m_ParentForm;
#region Constructor
public ControlConfiOptionBoard2(FormMenu parent)
this.ParentForm = parent;
#region Property
public FormMenu ParentForm
get { return this.m_ParentForm; }
private set { this.m_ParentForm = value; }
#region Method
public void InitializeDesign()
Class1 images = new Class1();
if (this.ParentForm.ParentForm.SystemConfig1.Language == DataStore.LanguageID.English)
this.smartGroupBox1.Image = new Bitmap(images.GetImage(Class1.ButtonImages.engBackgroundDispenser));
this.labelTitleDelayTime1.Font = this.labelTitleDelayTime2.Font = new Font("새굴림", 12, FontStyle.Bold);
this.labelTitleDelayTime1.Text = "Delay 1 time";
this.labelTitleDelayTime2.Text = "Delay 2 time";
this.radioButtonPortNone.Text = "None";
this.radioButtonPort56.Text = "Output port 5, 6";
this.radioButtonPort78.Text = "Output port 7, 8";
this.labelHelp1.Text = "1. A : The object enters.";
this.labelHelp2.Text = "2. B : The object enters into the range of dispenser sensor.";
this.labelHelp3.Text = "3. C : After 'Delay 1 time', stick 'Dispenser 1' out.";
this.labelHelp4.Text = "4. D : At the same time, 'Dispenser 2' descend.";
this.labelHelp5.Text = "5. After 'Delay 2 time', come back to A.";
else if (this.ParentForm.ParentForm.SystemConfig1.Language == DataStore.LanguageID.Chinese)
this.smartGroupBox1.Image = new Bitmap(images.GetImage(Class1.ButtonImages.chnBackgroundDispenser));
this.labelTitleDelayTime1.Font = this.labelTitleDelayTime2.Font = new Font("새굴림", 12, FontStyle.Bold);
this.labelTitleDelayTime1.Text = "延迟1时间";
this.labelTitleDelayTime2.Text = "延迟2时间";
this.radioButtonPortNone.Text = "不使用";
this.radioButtonPort56.Text = "输出 5, 6";
this.radioButtonPort78.Text = "输出 7, 8";
this.labelHelp1.Text = "1. A : 被测量物体进入";
this.labelHelp2.Text = "2. B : 被测量物体进入感应器检测范围";
this.labelHelp3.Text = "3. C : 延迟1时间后,分配器1上升";
this.labelHelp4.Text = "4. D : 分配器1上升的同时,分配器2下降";
this.labelHelp5.Text = "5. 延迟2时间后,重新回到A状态";
else if (this.ParentForm.ParentForm.SystemConfig1.Language == DataStore.LanguageID.Czech)
else if (this.ParentForm.ParentForm.SystemConfig1.Language == DataStore.LanguageID.Russian)
this.smartGroupBox1.Image = new Bitmap(images.GetImage(Class1.ButtonImages.rusBackgroundDispenser));
this.labelTitleDelayTime1.Font = this.labelTitleDelayTime2.Font = new Font("새굴림", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
this.labelTitleDelayTime1.Text = "Время задержки 1";
this.labelTitleDelayTime2.Text = "Время задержки 2";
this.radioButtonPortNone.Text = "Нет";
this.radioButtonPort56.Text = "Порт выхода 5, 6";
this.radioButtonPort78.Text = "Порт выхода 7, 8";
this.labelHelp1.Text = "1. A : Входит измеряемый объект";
this.labelHelp2.Text = "2. B : Объект входит в зону действия датчика дозатора";
this.labelHelp3.Text = "3. C : После «Задержки 1» отключите «Вход дозатора1»";
this.labelHelp4.Text = "4. D : В то же время, «Вход дозатора 2» опустится";
this.labelHelp5.Text = "5. Через 2 часа вернитесь в состояние A";
else if (this.ParentForm.ParentForm.SystemConfig1.Language == DataStore.LanguageID.German)
this.smartGroupBox1.Image = new Bitmap(images.GetImage(Class1.ButtonImages.gerBackgroundDispenser));
this.labelTitleDelayTime1.Font = this.labelTitleDelayTime2.Font = new Font("새굴림", 12, FontStyle.Bold);
this.labelTitleDelayTime1.Text = "Vezögerung 1";
this.labelTitleDelayTime2.Text = "Vezögerung 2";
this.radioButtonPortNone.Text = "Keiner";
this.radioButtonPort56.Text = "Ausgangsport 5, 6";
this.radioButtonPort78.Text = "Ausgangsport 7, 8";
this.labelHelp1.Text = "1. A : Das Objekt tritt ein.";
this.labelHelp2.Text = "2. B : Das Objekt gelangt in den Bereich des Spenders sensors.";
this.labelHelp3.Text = "3. C : Nach 'Verzögerung 1' stecken Sie 'Dispenser 1' heraus.";
this.labelHelp4.Text = "4. D : Gleichzeitig senkt 'Dispenser 2' ab.";
this.labelHelp5.Text = "5. Nach 2 Stunden Verspätung kehren wir wieder in den A-Zustand zurück.";
this.smartGroupBox1.Image = new Bitmap(images.GetImage(Class1.ButtonImages.korBackgroundDispenser));
this.labelTitleDelayTime1.Font = this.labelTitleDelayTime2.Font = new Font("새굴림", 12, FontStyle.Bold);
this.labelTitleDelayTime1.Text = "지연시간 1";
this.labelTitleDelayTime2.Text = "지연시간 2";
this.radioButtonPortNone.Text = "None";
this.radioButtonPort56.Text = "Output port 5, 6";
this.radioButtonPort78.Text = "Output port 7, 8";
this.labelHelp1.Text = "1. A : 피계량물이 진입한다.";
this.labelHelp2.Text = "2. B : 피계량물이 Dispenser sensor 범위 안에 진입한다.";
this.labelHelp3.Text = "3. C : '지연시간1'만큼 지난 후, Dispenser1이 올라온다.";
this.labelHelp4.Text = "4. D : Dispenser1이 올라옴과 동시에 Dispenser2가 내려간다.";
this.labelHelp5.Text = "5. '지연시간2'만큼 지난 후, 다시 A 상태로 돌아온다.";
private void DefaultSetting()
private void UpdateDisplay(SystemParameter2 parameter)
int iValue = 0;
string sValue = "";
iValue = int.Parse(parameter.OPT2Port);
iValue = 0;
if (iValue == 1)
this.radioButtonPortNone.Checked = false;
this.radioButtonPort56.Checked = true;
this.radioButtonPort78.Checked = false;
else if (iValue == 2)
this.radioButtonPortNone.Checked = false;
this.radioButtonPort56.Checked = false;
this.radioButtonPort78.Checked = true;
this.radioButtonPortNone.Checked = true;
this.radioButtonPort56.Checked = false;
this.radioButtonPort78.Checked = false;
sValue = parameter.OPT2DelayTime1;
if (this.labelDelayTime1.Text != sValue)
this.labelDelayTime1.Text = sValue;
sValue = parameter.OPT2DelayTime2;
if (this.labelDelayTime2.Text != sValue)
this.labelDelayTime2.Text = sValue;
public void DisplayRefresh(SystemStatus status)
#region Event Handler
private void labelDelayTime1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string value = "";
DialogFormNumKeyPad myKeyPad = new DialogFormNumKeyPad(this.labelDelayTime1.Text, 4, 0, false, this.ParentForm.ParentForm.SystemConfig1.Language);
if (myKeyPad.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
if (myKeyPad.doubleValue < 0 || myKeyPad.doubleValue > 9999)
// 입력범위를 확인하세요
DialogFormMessage myMsg = new DialogFormMessage(1, this.ParentForm.ParentForm.SystemConfig1.Language);
this.labelDelayTime1.Text = myKeyPad.StringValue;
value = Helper.StringZeroFillDigits4(this.labelDelayTime1.Text);
this.ParentForm.ParentForm.CurrentSystemParameter2.OPT2DelayTime1 = myKeyPad.StringValue;
this.ParentForm.ParentForm.TransferDataStream(CommunicationCommand.Write, CommunicationID.MainBoard, CommunicationAddress.OPT2DelayTime1, value);
private void labelDelayTime2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string value = "";
DialogFormNumKeyPad myKeyPad = new DialogFormNumKeyPad(this.labelDelayTime2.Text, 4, 0, false, this.ParentForm.ParentForm.SystemConfig1.Language);
if (myKeyPad.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
if (myKeyPad.doubleValue < 0 || myKeyPad.doubleValue > 9999)
// 입력범위를 확인하세요
DialogFormMessage myMsg = new DialogFormMessage(1, this.ParentForm.ParentForm.SystemConfig1.Language);
this.labelDelayTime2.Text = myKeyPad.StringValue;
value = Helper.StringZeroFillDigits4(this.labelDelayTime2.Text);
this.ParentForm.ParentForm.CurrentSystemParameter2.OPT2DelayTime2 = myKeyPad.StringValue;
this.ParentForm.ParentForm.TransferDataStream(CommunicationCommand.Write, CommunicationID.MainBoard, CommunicationAddress.OPT2DelayTime2, value);
private void radioButtonPort_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string value = "";
if (this.radioButtonPortNone.Checked == true)
value = "0000";
this.radioButtonPort56.Checked = false;
this.radioButtonPort78.Checked = false;
else if (this.radioButtonPort56.Checked == true)
value = "0001";
this.radioButtonPortNone.Checked = false;
this.radioButtonPort78.Checked = false;
value = "0002";
this.radioButtonPortNone.Checked = false;
this.radioButtonPort56.Checked = false;
this.ParentForm.ParentForm.CurrentSystemParameter2.OPT2Port = value;
this.ParentForm.ParentForm.TransferDataStream(CommunicationCommand.Write, CommunicationID.MainBoard, CommunicationAddress.OPT2Port, value);